Power Industry
Power Industry
We can assist with many aspects within the Power industry, and with power related projects for other industries.
Along with major projects GJC Engineers provides ongoing PLC, operator interface programming and electrical drafting for various plant upgrades. Client statements are available upon request or on our website. Recent projects completed by GJC for the Power Generation industry include:
- Project management and engineering services for capacity increase of Port Lincoln Power Station
- Design and implementation of a 17000 tag Process Information Management Systems (PIMS) at Torrens Island Power Station using Wonderware’s InSQL Server
- Installation of a Queensland wide SCADA System for Ergon Energy using Wonderware’s InTouch, InSQL and ActiveFactory.
- Torrens Island Power Station “A” Station DCS upgrade
- GTESL Gas Turbine SCADA Control System
- Generator monitoring system for Dry Creek Power Station
- Generator monitoring system for Port Lincoln Power Station
- Control system installed for the coal wagon unloading of the Port Augusta Power Station
- Energy and power efficiency audits for a wide cross section of clients
- Detail design and Engineering for the refurbishment of power station instrumentation and control systems